Sunday, April 02, 2006
Today’s Lunch
Baked beans with steamed carrots and turnips topped with onions fried in coconut oil.
Peel and chop carrots and turnips and steam. Chop onion. Melt 1 tsp. coconut oil in small skillet and add onion. Dump one can of Eden Organic Baked Beans with Sorgum and Mustard in a bowl. Add steamed veggies and onion and stir. Makes enough for two lunches.
I chopped and peeled the turnips and carrots yesterday morning thinking we would eat them for dinner, but my husband cooked something else for dinner (always a shock and a treat). I like it when I have a jump-start. Cupboards are still low, so this evening I went shopping at Vitamin Cottage and Albertson’s gathering—beets, chard, grapefruits, yellow and sweet potatoes, almond butter, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, salad dressing, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and a salad for dinner from the former and soda water, trash bags, strawberries, broccoli, and red peppers from the latter. I’m no purist. I know red peppers and strawberries are the worst pesticide laden produce you can buy, but they are so good!