Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Getting Goosed

I’m too excited about breakfast to talk about lunch. I came home from the farm on Saturday with a goose egg. The geese at the farm were very agressive until Dag arrived. Dag is a border collie named for the former Secretary General of the United Nations. He keeps the peace by hearding the geeze away from our unsuspecting heels.
I’ve been contemplating for days what to make with this glorious egg. Today when I came home from the gym I made up my mind—a frittata. A simple dish, the frittata is a baked omelet. Because it is not fried in a pan the eggs have more loft.
I pulled a bag of brussel sprouts from the fridge (when I told my friend Amy about this dish, I lost her at this very point) and set them to steam in a small saucepan. I melted coconut oil in a medium-sized cast iron skillet and chopped a clove of garlic and half an onion to sauté. I grated and set aside two ounces of mild raw milk cheddar cheese. When the brussel sprouts were tender I sliced them into smaller pieces and added them to the cast-iron skillet and topped with sliced tomatoes left over from a weekend barbeque and the grated cheese. I took my precious egg from the fridge and cracked it into a small bowl. The shell was thick and the yoke was twice the size of a chicken egg with very little white. I beat in 3 tbsp of milk and 1 tsp of mustard into the egg with a fork and poured it over the veggie cheese mixture, seasoning with salt and pepper. I cooked it in a 350 degree oven for twenty minutes and let it cool while I sliced a kiwi fruit. It was a stunning breakfast that I ate while reading the daily comics.

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