Sunday, April 09, 2006
Healing Out
Today’s Lunch
Leftover pizza
Enjoy a fresh pizza the night before, but don’t eat the whole thing.
I spend my time tending goats, weaving, writing, skiing, spinning, providing a lap for my cat, swimming, and gathering ingredients for good meals. Visit my website for information about workshops.
Finding healthy, fresh foods, having a good set of cooking tools on hand, and knowing how to manage it all is--in my opinion--essential to living well. I am continually surprised that these are not universal skills. Some of my coworkers and friends peer at my lunch with something close to wonder. Julia Butterfly Hill puts it beautifully, stating that "People are often afraid to cook; sometimes they are afraid of food itself. We are so disconnected from our food sources that we no longer know how to nourish ourselves. We are afraid of recipes afraid we will mess up or won't enjoy what we prepare. We are overwhelmed by lists of ingredients and gadgets and we fall back on old-standbys....As a culture we are looking for a formula that will make us well (and thin) from low fat to low carb. Wellness is much, much more than what we eat-it is how we eat. When I pull out my lunchbox. I smile that secret smile of rebelliousness for bucking the daily trap of fast food, long commutes, and slavery to one-stop-shopping. Welcome to my lunchbox.