Tuesday, April 11, 2006


What Readers Notice

Blogging, I’ve learned, is not without its dangers. For instance, people notice what order the adjectives are used to describe them compared to another or they notice that you didn’t mention them at all when they should be given credit for showing you the way of the blog. I’m sure there are a wealth of other dangers that haven’t even occurred to me yet, but I’ll persevere.

Today’s Lunch
Lettuce topped with roast beef, daikon radish, carrots, Parmesan cheese, and Sweet Red Pepper Dressing

I cooked a small sirloin roast the day before. Roasts are best cooked simply (so I read in James Beard’s American Cookery). I lavishly dressed the roast in pepper and a bit of salt and placed it in a small shallow baking dish and cooked it at 350 degrees, twenty minutes per pound. In the morning, wash lettuce leaves and allow to dry. Wash, peel, and chop the desired amount of radish and carrots. Tear lettuce into the bottom of a suitable-sized Pyrex dish and add radish, carrots, 1/4 cup Parmesan. Carry dressing—in this instance Seeds of Change—in a separate container and dress the salad when ready to eat.

Notes: We get our grass-fed beef from a rancher in a neighboring state. They truck the carcass to a local butcher and we buy 10-15 pounds at a time.

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