Having leftover biscuits still lurking about, I made enough bread pudding for the week’s breakfasts. Bread pudding can be made from any leftover bread. Line the bottom of a small 9 x 9 inch pan with bread—in my case sweet biscuits. Sprinkle with a handful of raisons or other dried fruit. In a separate bowl bead 4 eggs into 4 cups of milk with a dash of cinnamon and cloves. If the bread isn’t already sweetened you will want to add 1/2 cup of sucanut, brown sugar, or other granulated sweetener. Pour over the bread mixture and bake in the oven at 350 degrees. And, I promise this is now the end of biscuit discussions, for a little while at least.
Toady’s LunchSpinach SaladFresh spinach topped with chopped carrots, red pepper, and ham (I can’t promise not to talk about ham as I have way too much of it) topped with Annie’s Tuscany salad dressing.
Notes: with the warming weather farmers' markets are on the horizon. I relish the thought of gathering the fodder for my routine summer lunches of raw veggies, toasted nuts or seeds or perhaps a boiled egg topped with dressing.
# posted by Liz Gipson @ 5:34 PM