My stepfather calls my mother’s cooking cruel and unusual nutrition, because she makes dishes like stir fried vegetables seasoned with
nutmeg (really it's good). Before mom came along his idea of good eating was large bowels of chili mac made by boiling a bag of macaroni noodles and topping it with a can of chili. (And here are a few odd macaroni facts: Thomas Jefferson imported the first macaroni machine to the US after one of his many trips to France. Previously, the noodle was made famous in the US by the phrase in the tune Yankee Doodle that states he “stuck a feather in his cap and called it macaroni” referring to the Macaroni style made popular in Italy. Macaroni’s were individuals who were flamboyant, glutinous, and gambled to excess.) As so often happens with Monday’s lunches they end up a mish mash of the weekend cooking. Today’s lunch is somewhere in-between cruel and nutrition.
Today’s lunchMacaroni Topped with Grilled Chicken and BeetsBoil one cup of brown rice elbow (also known as macaroni) pasta in 2 cups of water with a dash of olive oil. Cook until tender and drain. Scrub, peel, and chop 2 beets into 1-inch cubes and steam for about 12 minutes or until tender. I used the meat from two chicken drumsticks that we grilled over the weekend to add to the dish. Top with your favorite dressing. I used Drew’s Roasted Tomato salad dressing.
# posted by Liz Gipson @ 7:15 PM