Occasionally you see the perfect “thing” in an unexpected place. A few weeks ago I saw this stained glass image of a bluesman at Bishop’s Castle in Southern Colorado. Imagine standing on the second floor of a mass of stone and ironwork that has been formed into a fanciful medieval castle--the work of one man as an omage to freedome of expression and the working class--and seeing this stained glass piece so out of place yet so right. Sort of like cucumbers. They don’t seem to fit with the rest of the vegetable patch and yet there they are.
Today’s LunchCucumber Salad(Gather these ingredients fresh from the farm if possible; here lies the taste and smell of summer.) Peel two cucumbers and slice. Chop two tomatoes and 1/2-cup fresh basil leaves. Mix ingredients and toss with a drizzle of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Serve at room temprature.
# posted by Liz Gipson @ 7:08 PM