Thursday, October 05, 2006


Enjoying the Rerun

One of my favorite kind of recipe exchanges happened at work the other day. I asked one of my coworkers for her tomatilla salsa recipe. She said, “You know what tomatillas are like right?” I nodded in agreement as she went on, “I always get asked if there is lemon or vinegar in the recipe, but that is just the natural flavor of the tomatilla. I wash up about a bushel and blend them in the food processor lightly then add a couple of chopped onions, a few cloves of garlic, and a few hot peppers. I cook the mixture for a bit and then wash the jars in the dishwasher, set the lids in a pan of just boiled water. You have to pull the jars from the dishwasher when they are barely hot enough to hold, and then fill the jars with salsa slap on a lid. Works like a charm.” The whole time she was saying this she was looking off into the distance clearly seeing all this happen in her mind’s eye and enjoying the rerun of last weekend's work.

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