Last Friday my husband and I went to see “An Inconvenient Truth” the documentary about Al Gore’s convincing presentation on global warming. The next day my husband and I bought an SUV. I spend all day Sunday peering out my kitchen window while preparing jars of apple and tomato sauce for canning thinking, “Is that really my car in the driveway?” I’m still very unsure about this car. It will provide us with more room, power, and safety during our frequent trips to Wyoming to ski. We won’t have to battle the winds in our current gutless wonder of a car. Alternatively, we are sacrificing 4 miles to the gallon in gas and living with a higher tax burden; not to mention the social implications of driving a symbol of all that is wrong with our country. I’m longing for the day when it will be old and battered and we will look lovingly at it thinking of all the miles it has carried us hither and yon and all the memories it holds. It will take awhile for me to stop circling around it like a cat wary of a new object in its boundaries. I’m very sorry Al; I’ll have to make it up to you in another way.
Today’s LunchAvocado ColeslawCombine the following veggies chopped in desired size: 1/2 of a small head of cabbage, 1 tomato, 1 peeled carrot, and 1 avocado. Top with toasted pumpkin seeds and salad dressing of choice.
# posted by Liz Gipson @ 6:45 AM