I’ve noticed an odd phenomenon. Food has risen (or has it sunk) to the level of Craft. The most recent issue of
Craft has a recipe for kombucha (a kind of fermented tea). One of our trending magazines at work has dedicated an entire issue to the crafty nature of food.
Readymade magazine one of the first of the new slew of DIY magazines has introduced a regular food column with such things as wedding cakes make out of hostess cupcakes. This isn’t truly new. A freshly frosted cake has always been seen as fine work of craftsmanship particularly if it is displayed in a beautiful cake stand. Craft has become cool and so it seems has food. Just like you aren’t seen as a geek because you crochet granny squares, neither are you considered so because you bake your own bread.
Today's Lunch
Sweet Potato Pancakes1 medium sized sweet potato, peeled and shredded
2 cups Napa (Chinese) cabbage, shredded
1 leek, washed well and sliced
2 tbsp coriander
1 tsp salt
2 tsp pepper
3/4 cup whole wheat or rice flour
4 eggs
Favorite oil for frying
Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a skillet on medium. Using a large spoon, dish out an orange-sized scoop of pancake mix. Cover with a lid and cook for five minutes. Flip the pancakes and recover for another five minutes. Drain the pancakes on a paper towel. Add more oil to the pan and continue cooking until all the batter is gone. Makes about 12 pancakes
# posted by Liz Gipson @ 7:36 PM